Friday, December 02, 2005

Hello Again World!

It's been ages since I had a body, but after millenia of roaming around as smoky ghost, I've finally rebodied! I guess that means I've atoned for trying to ursurp the evil ring of power, wage war on Rohan, mess up the Shire and trying to gut that little halfling (only to be foiled by his shiny little vest... ugh). But I've totally changed now, I'm not trying to take over the world anymore. Ok, I'm still the occasional asshole, but that's ol' Sharky for you.

That's right, world. Sharky's back. Saruman The Multicoloured. Curunir, master of tech. And what a world it is nowadays. We have horseless carriages, television, and computers! Oh computers, I love them. I've discovered this thing called "Linux" which totally rocks. Right now I'm running on this "distro" called "Ubuntu", which is an ancient African word which means "happy naked people". I think (hey, I have aeons worth of catching up to do).

Now that I've discovered "blogging", I can write stuff and you guys can comment on it. Isn't this neat?

1 comment:

Yoon Kit said...

Welcome back!

Please be wary of friends with names like 'Wormtongue'
