Friday, December 02, 2005


Now I've been surfing around this web thing quite a bit, and also been to computer shops (a most unpleasant experience). Almost everyone seems to be running a pansy-ass operating system called "Windows", a dumbed-down toy unworthy of use by a wizard like me. I am Curunir! Man of technological craft and skilled devices! I don't need dancing paperclips to tell me what to do!

Windows was made by this corporate entity called "Microsoft" which is in Redmond, where (if my calculations are correct) Mordor used to be. To their credit, they've tried to make their default window manager themed to look multicoloured (always a plus). The downside is, their colour scheme sucks, along with mostly everything else. The worst part is, those idiot computer salesmen seem to be hellbent in pushing Windows down my throat.

The next dumbass who tries to sell me Windows will get vapourised with my staff (yeah I made a new one).

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